Document Type : Original Article
Anim. Prod. Res. Instit., Agric. Res. Cent., Egypt
Rabbit Res. Department, Anim. Prod. Res. Inst., ARC, Ministry of Agric., Egypt.
Rabbit Res. Dept., Anim. Prod. Res. Ins., Agric. Res. Center, Egypt
Dairy Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt, 12622
A total seventy californian male rabbits aged 5 weeks, with initial weight ranged from 595 to 610 g. Rabbits were randomly allocated to seven treatments were used for the study; each treatment comprised ten rabbits, while the experiment lasted for 7 weeks. The first group was received un-supplemented diet and served as a control (CON). While, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th treatments were received diets supplemented with 1g Streptococcus macedonicus (SM), 5 g fenugreek (F) and 1.5 g cinnamon (C)/kg diet, respectively. The 5th, 6th and 7th groups were mix between (F and SM), (C and SM) and F, C and SM), respectively. Growth performance, carcass characteristic, digestibility coefficient of nutrient, some blood analysis and economic evaluation were studied.
Results showed that significant improvement was observed in the final body weight (FBW), body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of rabbits throughout the whole experimental period between each treatment and the control. Interestingly, groups FSM, CSM, and FCSM, which consumed fenugreek or cinnamon with probiotic achieved the heaviest FBW, BWG and recorded best FCR at 12 weeks of age. A significant increased on the relative weights of carcass yield; kidney and liver were observed in all experimental groups in compare with control. Digestibility of DM, OM, CP, CF, EE, and NFE were improved with all additives in compare with control. All hematological parameters in control group were significantly (P≤0.05) decreased through the Egyptian summer season; however, a general significant (P≤0.05) increases in RBCs, WBCs, Hb, PCV%, WBCs and IgG due to the different feed additives in comparison with control group was observed.
There was a significant (P≤0.05) reduction in plasma total lipid (TL), tri-glycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), LDL, VLDL, and MDA, while augmented HDL and TAC in all treatment groups as compared to their control. Significant increases were noticed in TP, Alb, and Glo and declines in some metabolic enzymes, such as AST and ALT, while levels of urea and creatinine were found to be insignificant in rabbits fed diets supplemented with fenugreek seeds, cinnamon and probiotic (Streptococcus macedonicus), which reflect safety of the liver and kidney. All groups supplemented with SM, F, C and their combinations were significantly (P≤0.05) improved in net profit, net revenue, economic efficiency and relative economic efficiency in compared with control. While, groups received combination treatments (FSM, CSM and FCSM) were recorded the highest net profit, net revenue, economic efficiency and relative economic efficiency in compared with all other groups. These differences in relative economic efficiency (REE) showed that diet contained medicinal plants were more economical than the control diet and could be used economical as growth promoters.
Conclusively, from these results, it could be recommended that Streptococcus macedonicus, fenugreek and cinnamon and their combinations supplementation in heat stressed californian growing rabbit's diets showed the most beneficial effect under hot climate.