Document Type : Original Article


1 Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Qalubia, Egypt.

2 Rabbit Breeding Research Department, Animal Production Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


The present work was planned to study the relationship between Lipten hormone concentration and rabbit reproductivity. Two rabbit breeds (Baladi Black as a native breed and New-Zealand White as an exotic breed) were used in the present study. Lipten hormone concentrations were determined in blood, milk and semen of ordinary and low fertile rabbits.
The study included two experiments. Primary experiment was conducted to determine the high and low fertile doe and buck rabbits. The second experiment was planned to measure Lipten hormone concentration in blood serum of high  and low fertile doe and buck rabbits. Lipten hormone levels were also measured in milk and semen of lactating doe and buck rabbits, respectively.
Sixty sexually mature rabbits (30 in each of low-fertile and high-fertile) of twelve months of age (10 does & 5 bucks within each breed of Baladi Black "BB" and New-Zealand White "NZW") were used in this study.
Results Obtained showed that,blood swrum Leptin hormone concentration in of high fertile doe and buck rabbits were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) higher than those in low fertile ones, in both two breeds (BB and NZW) rabbits. In each status studied, high and low fertile, and doe and buck rabbits, BB rabbits recorded leptin hormone levels insignificantly higher than those obtained by NZW rabbits.
High  fertile BB and NZW lactating rabbit does produced milk with Leptin hormone concentration significantly(P≤0.5 or 0.1)higher than recorded by low fertile rabbits, during nursing period up to 5 weeks. Semen ejaculated by high  fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks contained Leptin hormone levels more significantlyhigher (P≤0.5 or 0.1) than those of low fertile bucks.
Coclusively, it could be concluded that, there was strongly correlation between Leptin hormone concentration in blood, semen and milk and rabbit reproductivity. BB rabbits recorded Leptin hormone levels insignificantly higher than those of NZW rabbits, so BB rabbits may be characterized by reproductive capability more than NZW rabbits.
